Since 2008, we've been partnering with orphan care organizations to help them provide safety, shelter and sustainability. Take a walk through each page to see what an impact supporters have made year after year. The smiling faces of the children say it all. Your impact is perpetual. As a child grows up and leaves the home, another one is blessed by this work.
Your Impact YEAR After year

Water Tower in Aweil Town, South Sudan

Latrines in Aweil Town, South Sudan

Kitongo Girls Fence: $7,700

St Teresa Pipes and Plumbing!

Fiber Internet in Kenya: $1,830 – Funded

Water Well in South Sudan: $13,000 – Funded

School Repairs in Kenya: $9,453 – Funded

Solar Water Heaters for St. Teresa’s

NCV, Rwanda Fence $5,000

Mainsprings Storage Shed $2,500

Tractor Funded & Delivered!

Greenhouse Tanzania $6,000 FUNDED

Lights for the Wall, $1,500 FUNDED

Ashirvad Bus $24,000 FUNDED

JRMD Bored Well $20,000 FUNDED

Compassion & Care $13,000 FUNDED!

MyLifeSpeaks Bus: $15,000 FUNDED

Screens For Gulu Girls $1500 FUNDED!

Haiti Well: $5,000 Funded!

Ashirvad Sick Room, FUNDED!!!- $6,500

Ashirvad Solar Lamps- FUNDED!!!- $4,000

Ashirvad Washing Machine Funded $1,600

Dormitory Myanmar $2,500 FUNDED!

Gulu Girls Security Wall FUNDED!

Bakara Home Latrine Funded

NPH- Mexico $5,886 FUNDED!

Mainsprings Tile $3,600 Funded

Ashirvad Books $650 Funded

Boys Dormitory $40,000 FUNDED

Mainsprings Girls Dorm: $50,000 FUNDED!

Gathering Place: $12,700 – Funded!

Therapy Equipment: $5,000 – Funded!

Community Hall $20,000 – Funded!

2 Buffalo for Daily Milk: $2,800 – Funded!

Solar Water Heater: $2,935 – Funded!

Security Gate for Girls: $7,500 – Funded!

Water Project, Phase 1: $25,000 – Funded!

Security Cameras for Children: $1,738 – Funded!

Materials for Special Ed.: $2,435 – Funded!

Clean Water: $38,761.90 – Funded!