Haiti Well: $5,000 Funded!
MyLifeSpeaks, project partner in Haiti, places special needs orphans with families and often equips their homes with the equipment necessary so the child can be cared for properly. My Life Speaks received a generous donation to install Solar at all the House Families, therefore they don’t really need another generator.
So they decided they want t help the community of Neply have access to full time power for whole village. This would mean purchasing the poles, wire, transmitters, breakers, etc. to allow all the homes in Neply access to full time power.
Materials will cost $20,000 to cover everything. We believe it would change the lives of everyone (not just the orphans) living in this village. It would allow homes to have access to power, kids to have lights for homework, safer homes due to lights throughout the village, etc.
Their 4th campus family home in Neply anticipates getting 2 possibly 3 more children over the next few months. The generator will provide basic needs of water and electricity for the family and the children in their care. The well is anticipated to impact around 500 people, including our children, staff and people living in the community.