So, today is a few days after Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I had an amazing time as we now live close to two of our daughters and our six grand kids had the run of the house. We ate, we slept, we ate, we watched movies, we ate… you get the picture. I am so grateful to have loving children and grandchildren.
I’m also thankful to all of those people who have come along side me this year to help an orphan. I can’t tell you how much it does for me when others share their passion to help orphans by helping us in our work. Each one has special talents and I am so grateful that volunteers and supporters value the work we do in providing safety, shelter and sustainability.
I sent our our annual appeal and an email blast to supporters this last week, and the video is attached to this post. I simply ask those who receive it and can to please in some way remember an orphan this holiday season.
There never seems to be enough to care for all the orphans in the world, but I have found that God is faithful and provides. In my reading this morning, I was reminded again of how God’s economy works. I read the Autobiography of George Mueller, “A million and a half in answer to prayer.” One paragraph inspired me today, ” There are some of God’s stewards who can send us hundreds of pounds; and there are some who can only each afford a penny a week. We are grateful for the one and grateful for the other, and take both out of the hand of God as a result of our looking to Him for help in answer to believing prayer.”
I’m so grateful to our supporters, volunteers and event sponsors who make what we do possible. This year, supporters helped complete a dining hall, library and security wall in India, irrigation for a garden and a storage shed
the orphan girls in Tanzania, completion of a guard house and security wall gates in Cameroon. We receive donations from fund raisers such as golf tournaments, 5Ks, Dinner Benefits and even garage sales…
These events give donors and supporters great joy to be a part of the projects that provide safety shelter and sustainability. We can’t do it all but we can all do something!
So, I am grateful today for you. Thank you for what you are doing for the children.
Bless you all this Holiday Season!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! from Jan Marie on Vimeo.