A few, short days after I joined the 200 Orphanages team, we received word that the Ashirvad Children’s Home in India purchased a new bus.
Supporters of 200 Orphanages had raised the funds, and we got to see photos of the kids with the new bus right away. Recently, we received more photos from a field trip. It has been so much fun to share the photos as we all love looking at those happy faces.
It strikes me that something as simple as safe, reliable transportation can make such a difference in the life of a child. For the Ashirvad Children it means they no longer have to walk long distances to school or ride 15 deep in Tuk Tuks. It also means the kids will experience field trips to new places, sparking fresh, new ideas.
We now have another bus project!
This time the bus is for special needs children being served by myLIFEspeaks in Haiti. For these lovely children and their families, a new bus means volunteers can come to help parents and kids access services and training. Hundreds of volunteers each year rely on the campus’ bus to reach and support the families who have taken in the special children as their own. The existing bus could break down any day; it’s not going to last much longer. A new one is needed as soon as possible and you are going to be the CHANGE!
We’re Driving Change!
We’re humbled, excited and grateful! The bus costs $15,000 and one of our supporters has offered to match up to half of the cost of the new bus. That means your donation will be automatically doubled.
Will you Help Drive Change for the special needs kids in Haiti?
We know you love making good things happen! I’m looking forward with great anticipation to the day we receive news of the new, reliable bus in Haiti!
Thank you for making that possible!
Go to www.200orphanagesworldwide.org/projects/haiti to learn more and help, or CLICK HERE to donate.