Give Hope and Share a Story!
Jordan and Nicole Hanson hosted a fundraiser in Minnesota for books for the Ashirvad Library in India.
They surpassed their goal and now the kids in India have their library filled with books to read! (Photos to follow!)
Nicole is my niece in Law, married to my nephew Jordan. She’s also an adoptee from India and has a place in her heart for the kids at Ashirvad. Extra funds raised at the Dancing Hand in Hand Event were used to build a small library on site for the kids to enjoy reading. So, Nicole and Jordan helped provide funding for library books!
The Give Hope, Share a Story Dinner was at Evangelical Free Church in Fridley MN. Attendees were treated to Indian food donated by a local restaurant! Nicole shared her heart for the orphans.
They also had a drawing for some great door prizes for those who attend.
200 Orphanages Worldwide is an all-volunteer non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, which means that donations are tax deductible, and EVERY DOLLAR given at this event will go to benefit the Ashirvad Children’s Home.
You don’t have to attend, but you can still help buy the books! Just click here and help buy a book!