
Compassion & Care $13,000 FUNDED!

Compassion & Care Campaign Completed!

200 Orphanages donors helped provide safety, shelter, and sustainability for 50 orphan children residing at the Sihanoukville Children’s Home in Cambodia, where Directors Brett and Susan VanderMolen have devoted their lives to providing them compassion and care.

Due to our generous donors, the VanderMolen’s have replaced the roof on the dining hall! They have also now completed the repairs and upgrades on the building and security wall. Our generous donors raised $6,000 for the completion of the security wall! All the repairs and updates of the wall are now completed!

Sihanoukville Children’s Home is dedicated to providing education, hope, and love to 50 children ranging in age from infancy to high school.

Sihanoukville Children’s Home also provides onsite life-skill training programs preparing the children for a productive life. They offer reading and craft rooms; cooking, computer, gardening and English classes; and field trips.​ These are all meant to provide sustainability for the children so they can be productive citizens in their country.

The home is licensed by and subscribes and follows the policies and practices published by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation in Cambodia. Sihanoukville is a provincial capital of about 200,000 in southern Cambodia on the ocean. It is a Buddhist nation and many live in poverty.

Over the past 22 years, numerous children have been rescued from life-threatening situations involving abuse and trafficking. The Sihanoukville Children’s Home is dedicated to providing a safe place for training up the children.

Meet some of the children:

Brothers Dought and Sami were brought to the orphanage by their dying grandmother. Two weeks after their arrival, she passed away. The VanderMolen’s rescued these children and brought them to the safety of Sihanoukville Children’s Home.

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